Tuesday 18 September 2012


Luck is the time when preparation and opportunity meet. When you're prepared, your chance for success will come. You can change chance into good fortune if you're ready. By the law of periodical repetition, everything whichas happened once must happen again and again andagain. Not capriciously, but at regular periods, and each thing in it's own period, and each obeying it's own law. There is a tide in your affairs, when taken at the flood, that will lead you on to fortune. As events tend torepeat themselves, the tide of opportunity will come to you. The only sure thing about luck is that it will change.Subscribe via email and enter your email. Once entered, you will have to check your email for a confirmation email containing a confirmation link. Once you click on the confirmation link in the message, YOU WILL NEVER MISS MY FUTURE ARTICLES AGAIN. visit our website to get the latest updates, Like us on facebook, your comment is important to us, we hate spamming as much as you do. Visit www.naija4naira.blogspot.com now to get future updates, follow me on www.twitter.com/davidykguru

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