Thursday 30 August 2012

Six Tips for Blogging Successfully

When you start a blog, you have high hopes of it succeeding. Afterall, who wants to put hard work into something that garners poor results? Fortunately, blogging success is achievable, especially with the following six blogging tips provided here. Host your blog on your own domain. If you're thinking in terms of making your blog a long term marketing tool, then blogging platforms such as Blogspot and Typepad are not recommended. Although these two platforms are good, they don't represent professionalism nor do you own the URL. Instead WordPress, which allows you to own your domain, is highly recommended. Owning your own domain gives you the freedom to choose your platform. Lastly, domains are much easier for people to remember versus subdomains. Publish blog posts at a balanced pace. This blogging tip is given because some bloggers publish too many posts within a week's time period. People nowadays arebusy with their own tasks, so giving them several posts to read from your blog (and not to mention they're probably readingother blogs as well) is a bit too much. To discover the right number of posts to publish per week, it's best to study your niche. Some niches are more slow paced than others; thus, not requiring as much information on a weekly basis. Others might need a more studier pace. Learn what works best for your niche. You can also study your competitor and see how many posts they publish per week. This gives you an idea of what works, especially if they have a successful blog. Claim your blog with Technorati. Claiming your blog via Technoratiis one of the best blogging tips because it increases your traffic. If your blog is for the purpose of promoting a service or product, you'll definitely want the additional boost of traffic that Technorati can give you. Even a blog that only exists for informational purposes can do well through Technorati. Allow comments on your blog. Ask your readers to share their thoughts on what they've read. Given all the various opinions expressed throughout the internet, people won't hesitate to write their thoughts on your blog. Change your "About" page on WordPress. If you're using WordPress as your blogging platform, use this standard webpage to provide some information about yourself and your blog on this standard webpage. Monetize your blog. No matter how much you enjoy blogging, don't do it for free. If your blog provides valuable information to a popular niche, you should consider placing at least one or two affiliate programs such as Amazon and Google AdSense on your sidebar. These programs willappear alongside each new blog post; giving you an opportunity to earn money with each post. Follow these six blogging tips to the fullest and you will join the ranks of other successful bloggers.

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